Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Me-Made-May 2013!

May is rolling round pretty fast, even though the bloody weather isn't telling us so! And so is me-made-may. If you dont know what that means have a look at the gorgeous Zoe's blog

Here's my pledge: 

I, Layla, of The Old Fashioned Way, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least two handmade, if not all, garments each day including lounging/home wear for the duration of May 2013'

This year I really want to push myself a little further. Wearing mostly or all me-made clothes is not that difficult for me and my extensive wardrobe, with the exception of knickers and bras, of which I have a few me-made, perhaps not enough to wear everyday though. However, this year I want to challenge myself to also wear lounging/home clothes that are me-made. I don't know about you but a large majority of my time is spent wearing ratty tracksuit bottoms or loose pyjamas and old t-shirts. Probably a too large proportion of time, if I'm really honest. This year I want to start making those me-made too, because in all honesty, most of my home clothes are really gross and holey, and stained and that's not very glamorous is it? I've already made a wonderful something that I will be revealing when I'm allowed, but I want to add to that and get my home wardrobe as pretty and fabulous as some of my other clothes. 
As well as that I really want to add a couple of wearable pairs of trousers to my wardrobe (working on that as we speak, with gertie's new butterick pattern...exciting!) and some single colour tops. We'll see how that goes as MMM is not about stressing myself out trying to sew everything but seeing what's missing in my wardrobe, what I could make to fill the holes and spreading the joyous sewing word!!! 
So on that note, who's joining me? Sewing students unite and try and do one day of MMM a week? Ahh go on, I'll put you on this here blog if you have a go! 

Friday, 5 April 2013


If you don't already, you should definitely follow me on instagram
(I mean you really should, I've got like 11 followers and its a bit sad, so please!)
Here's a sneak preview of my world....

Pattern drafting class
Cat helper
Stretchy class dress
Sunday knitting

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