A little while ago a very generous friend gave me a lovely big stash of old sewing magazines that he found in an old house. I've always thought that one day, somehow, a haul of 50's sewing magazines would find it's way into my sweaty little grasp, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for a sewing and 50's enthusiast like me.
his was almost this moment. Most of these beauties are Burda magazines from the 70's, but there are a couple of gems from the 50's.
The Burda magazines are complete with all pattern sheets and very limited instructions. I'm not a massive fan of the 70's myself but there were some things I thought I might make.
This coat was one of them. I love the pleats on the back. This is definitely on the winter sewing list.
I like these tops too, and the 70s turbans are brilliant!
There were also some not so stylish things! Crazy lace-up shoes:
Very German dresses!
Weird thigh length men's cardigans!
And loads of naked ladies! Burda clearly rocked things a little differently back in the day.
But the 50's magazines....ahhhh the beauty. Unfortunately, most of them are mail order patterns so I'll have to just drool over and stroke the ones I love.
Finally, I too, am having that moment of smug joy at the brilliance of the things I have just inherited! Jealous? I totally would be!