Sunday, 18 August 2013

Plethora of pants

Clap me on the back and applaud me people. I've been doing a whole host of unselfish sewing. My love got himself a new stash of boxers today.

Yesterday I went through the giant fabric pile and tried to organise what was worth coming back to London with me, what could be sold and what I could use up quick sharp. These boxers were made from the leftovers of various shirts for me and the hubby and a pair of pjs (that sadly didnt fit...for more on that sad story see here).
I made them using a pattern from the Sew Everything Workshop book by Diana Rupp; the pattern is called something stupid like foxy boxers and comes with a cringe worthy description, once I got past that though the pattern is easy peasy and I think I managed to make 4 pairs in a couple of hours.

To mix things up a little I changed the details on each pair. The red pair was pretty much as the book describes, but with wider elastic. There's a neat little way of inserting the elastic into the casing without leaving a hole that appealed to my inner sewing geek.

On the blue pair I added a different colour waistband as I was short on fabric, it's a very me choice...nautical all the way!

A couple of the pairs I stitched the elastic on with a zigzag stitch once it was in the waistband so it wouldn't shift around. I'm not sure if this is better or  not; it does tend to stretch the elastic out a little but maybe it's less annoying than having twisted elastic or bunching fabric. I don't think he cares.
As he said, when the balls are comfy that's all that counts!


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